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Penalties for Theft in Illinois
In 2021, Will County was home to 1,545 reports of theft. Even though you may think sneaking a necklace out of a jewelry shop is no big deal, think again
Illinois law imposes serious punishments for offenders, and the court system is not afraid to convict someone when sufficient evidence is presented.
If you are convicted of theft, you will likely be paying steep fines, serving time, and have a criminal record for the rest of your life. If you are facing theft allegations in Illinois, you need a Joliet theft and burglary defense lawyer who can defend your good name
Theft Laws in Illinois
Illinois statute 720 ILCS 5/16-1 states that a person commits theft when the individual knowingly:
- Obtains or employs unauthorized control over the property of another person
Workers’ Compensation for Delivery Drivers After a Truck Accident
About 1.7 million people work as delivery truck drivers in the United States, and such a high number of jobs creates the likelihood of increased truck accidents. A truck driver who suffers injuries in an accident may be unable to work for a prolonged period. For the average person, not having a steady source of income is simply not feasible.
After a truck driver is involved in an accident, he or she may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Workers’ compensation is employer-provided insurance that comes at no cost to the employee. Moreover, the employee does not need to prove that the employer’s negligence led to his or her injuries.
If you are a delivery driver who has been involved in a truck accident, our Joliet workers’ compensation lawyers would like to assist you during this confusing time.
Car Accidents in Heavy Traffic: Not Just Fender Benders
A car accident takes more than just a toll on your vehicle. You may suffer injuries that cause permanent physical limitations and lose the ability to work. If you have been in a car accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation for these losses.
Below, our Joliet car accident lawyers discuss the different types of accidents that may be caused by heavy traffic and the types of injuries that may result.
Rear-End Collisions
A rear-end collision may be caused by slippery roads, limited visibility in adverse weather, or a tailgating driver.
A rear-end accident can easily be avoided if drivers remain vigilant behind the wheel. It is important to always keep a safe distance between your vehicle and a front vehicle since you never know when a vehicle may abruptly stop.
Be on the Lookout for Large Trucks this Holiday Season
For many, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season means shopping, holiday parties, giving gifts, and generally merriment. That said, it also means there will be more large trucks on the road in the area. The increased commercial activity around means more deliveries, more trucks – and an increased risk of being involved in a serious truck accident. If you are hurt in a commercial truck crash, it’s in your best interest to contact an Illinois personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
When Can Victims Recover after a Truck Accident?
Under Illinois law, people who are hurt in accidents caused by the negligence of others are typically entitled to compensation for their injuries and other losses. In the context of truck accidents, negligence can take various forms. Some of the most common include the following:
What Benefits Does Workers’ Compensation Provide?
Workers’ compensation provides employees financial assistance for work-related illnesses and injuries. Workers’ compensation protects employers from being sued by their employees.
Most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees. If you have been recently injured on the job, speak with a Joliet workers’ compensation attorney to learn if you qualify for workers’ compensation.
What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that covers the cost of medical treatments and replaces lost wages. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for any injuries or illnesses that are partly or entirely related to an employee’s work.
DUI Arrests Increase During the Holidays
As the holidays approach, people have more time off to spend with family and friends. With more time for socializing, people often increase their consumption of alcohol. While you may feel like you can still drive responsibly, many people have made that same assumption with tragic outcomes.
If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you need the experience of a Joliet DUI defense lawyer to represent you.
Holiday DUI Statistics
Drunk driving is an increasing concern during the holiday season. While you may think that you will never drive impaired, it is easy to lose track of your alcohol consumption during the holidays.
Nationwide statistics show the following:
Common Driver Distractions That Lead to Injuries
The next time you are driving and you reach for your cell phone, rethink this decision. In 2021, 3,522 lives were taken due to distracted driving, many due to cell phone use.
Distracted driving accidents are 100% preventable, but drivers must eliminate these risky behaviors to keep America’s roads safe or be held accountable for the harm they cause.
If you have been in an accident caused by a distracted driver, our Joliet car accident lawyers are here to help.
What is Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving involves anything that takes your attention away from the road. Distracted driving comes in three forms:
What to Do and What Not to Do After a Car Accident
A car accident happens in a split second. In the chaos of the moment, you probably won’t know what steps should be taken.
Your actions following a car accident can support or hurt your chances of having a successful claim. If you have been involved in a car accident, regardless of fault, you need the experience of a Will County car accident lawyer.
What to Do
Fear can motivate us to flee when we sense danger. Here is a list of what to do and what not
to do following a car crash:
Report the accident
If a car accident causes bodily injury, death, or more than $1,500 in property damage, then you are legally required to call the police. If either driver does not have car insurance, then you are required to report an accident when there is at least $500 worth of damage.
Penalties for Multiple DUI Offenses in Illinois
Being charged with a DUI in the state of Illinois carries harsh penalties. While a driver’s age, blood alcohol content (BAC), and transporting minors will play a major part in determining punishment, prior convictions will result in more severe penalties.
Our Joliet DUi defense attorneys are here to offer representation for individuals who have been convicted of a felony charge or aggravated DUI.
Revocation of Driving Privileges
There are different penalties for those who test above the legal limit to drive (meaning your BAC is 0.08 grams per deciliter or higher) and for those who refuse chemical testing. As a licensed driver in Illinois, you automatically consent to a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine to evaluate your blood alcohol level.
Common Examples of Truck Driver Negligence
Like all motorists, truck drivers have a duty to keep other road users safe. In too many instances, a truck driver’s negligence is the primary cause of an accident.
The numbers don’t lie. In a recent year, 5,700 large trucks were involved in a fatal crash, an increase of 49% in the past decade.
If you have been involved in an accident with a tractor-trailer, you need dependable and accomplished counsel. Look no further than our Joliet truck accident attorney.
Establishing Liability
To hold a truck driver liable, the law requires you to prove the following to establish their negligence on the road: