Will County Dog Bite Lawyer

Personal Injury Attorney for Animal Attacks in Joliet, Lockport and Plainfield
Animal lovers typically enjoy meeting and petting other people's dogs. Still, even when you exercise appropriate care by asking the owner for permission before approaching a dog, a dog can still turn aggressive at an unexpected moment. And, unfortunately, many dog owners are not as responsible as you would wish. They adopt a dog that has been mistreated in the past, or keep a dog they know to be vicious, and fail to exercise reasonable care to keep the dog secured.
If you or a family member has been bitten by another person's dog, the dog's owner may try to disclaim responsibility. They may argue that you were trespassing on their property or provoked the dog. However, the Illinois Animal Control Act (520 ILCS 5/16) states that if you are injured by a dog in a situation where you were neither trespassing nor provoking the dog, the dog's owner is liable to you for the full amount of your injuries.
Injuries caused by another person's pet should be covered under that person's home owner's insurance policy under the category of "personal liability coverage." In other words, you will be negotiating with the insurance company for a settlement of your claim. If your claim for damages is higher than that individual's personal liability coverage limit, then the dog owner can be held personally liable for the remainder. Illinois law does not place a cap on personal injury damages related to dog bites.
In some states, a dog owner may be exempt from liability for damages the first time their dog bites someone as long as they had no reason to believe the dog could be dangerous. This rule does not apply in Illinois. Here, the dog owner is liable any time their dog causes injury, as long as you were "peaceably conducting yourself" in a place where you were lawfully present.
Recover Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries in Kendall County
At McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC, our attorneys understand that dog bite injuries can result in psychological damage as well as physical damage. A strong dog can break bones. A bite injury can become infected or cause permanent nerve damage. Some wounds leave permanent scars or disfigurement. Only a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can properly estimate the extent of your damages and obtain the maximum compensation for you.
Our attorneys have over 20 years of experience in obtaining compensation in a variety of personal injury situations, including dog bites. Our firm has obtained millions of dollars for our clients in personal injury lawsuits and negotiations.
Lawyers for Dog Bite Injuries in Will County
If you or a loved one has suffered serious damage from a dog bite, do not try to fight this out with the dog owner and their insurance company alone. Contact the Joliet office of McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC at 815-727-0100. We handle personal injury cases for clients in Cook County, DuPage County, Grundy County, Kankakee County, Kendall County, and Will County.