Will County Premises Liability Lawyer

Attorney for Injuries Due to Property Owner Negligence in Joliet, Bolingbrook and Lockport
If you are injured while visiting another person's property, including as a customer of a business, you may be able to file a claim for damages under premises liability law.
In order to qualify for compensation, however, you must be able to show that the property owner was negligent in some way and that you incurred specific damages as a result. If you trip and fall due to your own clumsiness, that is not the property owner's fault. If you tripped on a doormat and injured only your pride, you do not have a valid claim for damages.
Premises liability law only applies when an injury is primarily due to an unsafe condition that the facility owner/operator reasonably should have known about and corrected. The exact language of the Illinois Premises Liability Act (740 ILCS 130) states that an owner/operator must take "reasonable care under the circumstances regarding the state of t premises or acts done or omitted on them."
Here are some examples of injuries caused by unsafe conditions that would be valid premises liability claims:
- Cuts sustained when a visitor came in contact with exposed nails or sharp surfaces.
- Broken leg sustained on a wooden stairway with a broken handrail or damaged treads.
- Injured knee and wrist suffered in a slip-and-fall on an unmarked area of a wet or slippery store floor.
- Back injury caused by a fall into a hole in an area under construction that was not properly blocked off.
- Broken arm resulting from tripping over an obstruction on the floor such as an extension cord.
- Traumatic brain injury caused by an improperly attached ceiling fixture that fell and struck the person.
- Criminal attack on a visitor attributed to inadequate security.
- Severe head injury sustained at a gym, where it was found that the gym flooring failed to meet safety standards and that there was a lack of instruction provided to new members.
A slip-and-fall is the most common premises liability claim, and some cases involve nothing more serious than a broken wrist or ankle from which the person will recover fully in a few months. Other cases are far more serious and every person is different in terms of how they recover from an injury. Before you write off your case, talk with our experienced attorneys.
Recover Compensation for Property Injuries in Will County
At McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC, our attorneys take premises liability cases very seriously. When a property owner or operator fails in their duty to provide safe conditions, severe injuries can result. You should not have to bear the cost of someone else's negligence.
The most important thing to do in such cases is to seek medical treatment and get a written diagnosis and complete treatment plan. You do not want to accept a quick settlement only to discover later that your physical and psychological injuries are far more serious and expensive than you first realized. An experienced personal injury lawyer will help to ensure that all of your damages are documented and make every effort to obtain maximum compensation for you.
Our attorneys have over 20 years of experience in obtaining compensation in a variety of personal injury situations, including premises liability cases. Our firm has obtained millions of dollars for our clients in personal injury lawsuits and negotiations.
Injury Lawsuits Due to Unsafe Conditions in Grundy County
If you sustained a significant injury in a slip-and-fall or other type of property accident, and your accident can be directly connected to unsafe conditions that the property owner or business operator should have known about and corrected, seek advice from a lawyer as soon as possible. Contact the Joliet office of McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC at 815-727-0100. We handle personal injury cases for clients in Cook County, DuPage County, Grundy County, Kankakee County, Kendall County, and Will County.