Joliet Workers' Compensation Lawyer

Attorney for Maximum Workers' Comp Benefits in Will County
Virtually all Illinois workers are entitled to Workers' Compensation benefits if they are injured on the job, regardless of fault or negligence. Benefits include reasonable and necessary medical expenses, temporary replacement income, occupational retraining assistance, and compensation for a permanent disability.
However, because your employer's expenses go up when you collect benefits, your employer may try to limit the amount of benefits you receive.
When you are dealing with the effects of a major injury, you are not in the strongest position to fight the system. An attorney who is well-versed in the laws and procedures of the Illinois Workers' Compensation system is in a better position to fight for your interests and ensure that you receive the compensation owed to you.
Maximum Benefits for Will County Workplace Injuries
At McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC, we empathize with the pain and financial hardship that a family suffers when a member of the family is seriously injured and cannot work. When you engage us to represent you in your Workers' Comp case, we will help ensure that you receive the maximum benefits necessary for you to recover from your injuries and return to work as quickly and safely as possible.
Our skilled attorneys provide legal representation to clients seeking compensation for on-the-job injuries through the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission (formerly known as the Illinois Industrial Commission) and those seeking Social Security Disability benefits. We also help clients who have suffered serious on-the-job injuries obtain compensation in court when they have been denied sufficient workers' compensation benefits.
We represent injured workers in diverse industries such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, and public service including police officers, firefighters, and maintenance workers. Our fees are set by statute at 20% of your recovery and you pay us no fee until we collect on your case.
In order to protect your rights to all benefits, it is crucial to follow the rules of the workers' comp system and to have an attorney on your side to help you receive the maximum benefits. To give you an idea of what to expect, see our Overview of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Process.
A Joliet Attorney for On-the-Job Injury Benefits
If you or a family member has been injured at work, and you are concerned about collecting all of the Workers' Comp benefits that you deserve, contact McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC at 815-727-0100 for a free consultation. We serve clients in Cook County, DuPage County, Grundy County, Kankakee County, Kendall County, and Will County.